We are Jetsam, a three-piece band whose music is all our own, with highly eclectic influences of; indie, rock, brit-pop, blues, the odd jazz chord and (when we can't control our drummer) heavy metal. We fuel ourselves on a staple diet of beer and salami.

However, this is the only (as far as we know) band to have its own signature dish: FSC. aka Four Sausage Casserole. No, not four sausages... four different types of sausage.

Our philosophy is very simple - we really enjoy writing, playing and sharing great music.

We got together initially as a four piece and then five back in the late nineties. Yes, the last century! We recorded a couple of EPs and played our first gig at The Grey Horse in Kingston in 1999. It was good and was really well received. We have absolutely no idea why it took us 20 years to play the next one. But we're really glad that we did.

We had various line-ups but wouldn't have been the same without the involvement of Ant and Jon. Who both felt they had to move to get away from us: as far as Southampton and Australia in fact! They're missed. It's been quite a musical challenge to bring out some of the essential keyboard and trumpet parts on other instruments but we're proud of our new sound. We hope you like it too.


